Thursday, July 22, 2010

DataGrid Filter example - with sorting

The other day I posted an example of how you can add a filter to a DataGrid in Revolution. At the end of that blog post, I remarked how I had deliberately turned off column sorting. Fear not, it is straightforward to add support for this, again thanks to the DataGrid lessons available on the website.

Just as a reminder, here's a screenshot of the example stack:

So what do we need to do to allow the user to click on the column header and apply the sort and filter at the same time? It's quite a simple bity of scripting, but before we get to that, you need to make some minor modifications to the datagrid columns.
- Switch to the 'pointer' tool, and select the datagrid, then open the Object Inspector, and switch to the 'Columns' panel
-> select the column 'index' and set its Sort by column type to 'Numeric'
-> select the column 'name' and make sure its Sort by column type is 'Text'

Now edit the script of the datagrid, and set it to:

local sOriginalData
local sIndexMap
local sFilter

setProp dgData pData
put pData into sOriginalData
end dgData

getProp dgData
return sOriginalData
end dgData

setProp dgFilter pFilter
put pFilter into sFilter
end dgFilter

getProp dgFilter
return sFilter
end dgFilter

--> datagrid callbacks

on GetDataForLine pLine, @pData
local tKey
-- retrieve the original line of data
put sIndexMap[pLine] into tKey
put sOriginalData[tKey] into pData
end GetDataForLine

on SortDataGridColumn pColumn
SortMap pColumn
HiliteAndStoreSortByColumn pColumn
dispatch "RefreshList" to me
end SortDataGridColumn

--> private commands and functions

private command RebuildMap
local tKeys, tKey, tIndex
put empty into sIndexMap
put 0 into tIndex
put the keys of sOriginalData into tKeys
sort tKeys numeric
repeat for each line tKey in tKeys
if sFilter is empty \
or sOriginalData[tKey]["name"] contains sFilter \
add 1 to tIndex
put tKey into sIndexMap[tIndex]
end if
end repeat
set the dgNumberOfRecords of me to tIndex
dispatch "ResetList" to me
end RebuildMap

private command SortMap pColumn
local tSortDirection, tSortType, tSortCaseSensitive
local tSortCommand
local tKeys, tKey, tNewIndex, tNewIndexMap
-- works whether a column is specified or not
if pColumn is empty then
-- find the current sort column
put the dgProps["sort by column"] of me into pColumn
if pColumn is empty then
exit SortMap
end if
end if
-- assemble and do the sort command
put the dgColumnSortDirection[pColumn] of me \
into tSortDirection
put the dgColumnSortType[pColumn] of me \
into tSortType
put the dgColumnSortCaseSensitive[pColumn] of me \
into tSortCaseSensitive
put "sort lines of tKeys" && tSortDirection \
into tSortCommand
switch tSortType
case "numeric"
put " numeric" after tSortCommand
case "international"
put " international" after tSortCommand
case "datetime"
case "system datetime"'
put " dateTime" after tSortCommand
end switch
put " by ColumnValueForLine(pColumn, each)" \
after tSortCommand
set the caseSensitive to \
(tSortCaseSensitive is true)
set the useSystemDate to \
(tSortType is "system datetime")
put the keys of sIndexMap into tKeys
do tSortCommand
-- rebuild the index map
put 0 into tNewIndex
repeat for each line tKey in tKeys
add 1 to tNewIndex
put sIndexMap[tKey] into \
end repeat
put tNewIndexMap into sIndexMap
end SortMap

private function ColumnValueForLine pColumn, pLine
local tKey
-- retrieve the original line of data
put sIndexMap[pLine] into tKey
return sOriginalData[tKey][pColumn]
end ColumnValueForLine

What's changed in comparison to the last implementation? Well, the bulk of the necessary work is done in the new private command SortMap, which reads the column sort properties and uses a custom sort function to get the filtered lines in the right order on the basis of the column value in the original lines of data. Then it builds a new IndexMap to replace the old one, and the regular refresh routines of the datagrid will "just work."

So what happens when we sort the data descending on the name, without applying a filter?

Looking good - does the filter still work? Let's type 'url' into the filter field.

You may have noticed that I also added getProp-handlers for dgData and dgFilter, making the above script easily reusable. With just a bit of lateral thinking and coding, you too can build just about anything, thanks to Revolution.

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